Rose Flower Extract

Rose Flower Extract English name: Rose Flower Extract Latin name: Rosa rugosa Part of used: Flower Specifications: 10:1 Appearance: Pink powder

The rose is the most famous ornamental plant and it grows because of its flowers in the garden and indoors. They have also been used in commercial spices and commercial cut flower crops. Some are used as garden plants for hedging and other utilitarian purposes, such as game cover and slope stabilization. They also have a small amount of medicinal.

Rose petals or flower buds are sometimes used to flavor ordinary tea or mixed with other herbs to make soups.

In France, rose syrup is used in many ways, the most common being the extract of rose petals. In the United States, this French rose syrup is used to make rose scones and marshmallows.

Rose flower extract can be used as food or as a condiment or added to food. Other secondary uses include candied rose petals.

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Product Specification:

COA of rose flower extract

Analysis Items


Test Methods




Appearance & Color

Fine pink powder


Odor & Taste



Mesh Size

NLT 90% through 80 mesh

80 Mesh Screen


Good solubility in water


Moisture Content

NMT 5.0%

5g / 105℃ / 2hrs

Heavy Metals

NMT 10ppm

Atomic Absorption

Lead (Pb)

NMT 3ppm

Atomic Absorption

Sterilization Method

High Temperature & High Pressure for short time (5” – 10”)

Total Yeast & Mold

NMT 1000cfu/g





Product function and application of Rose Flower Extract :

Rose has been used for hundreds of years because of its medicinal properties. Rose flower extract is good for both skin and hair. Here are the benefits of Rose flower extract powder:

1. Cool and soothe the body

Rose has many medicinal properties, one of which is to cool and soothe the whole body.

2. Support the nervous system

Rose flower extract is also considered useful for the nervous system because its balanced properties help the brain record, store, and remember information.

3.Rose flower extract has anti-aging effect

Roses contain antioxidants that prevent the formation of wrinkles. Regularly use Rose flower extract powder to cleanse, tone and exfoliate, tightening the skin and delaying aging.

4. Nourish, cleanse, condition and moisturize the skin

It can be used for skin care and can also be used as a flavoring agent.



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