Huperzine-A 99% powder

Product Name: Huperzine-A 99% powder
Specification: 1%, 99%
Appearance: Brown, White Powder
Test Method: by HPLC
Origin: Shaanxi China
Stocks: in stock in Shaanxi
Huperzine A is a natural compound usually extracted from the Chinese Huperzia serrata plant. It is a copper cholinesterase enzyme that helps improve cognitive function and memory.
Huperzine-A 99% Powder Product Introduction

Product Details of Huperzine-A 99% Powder

Our Huperzine-A 99% powder is a natural compound extracted from Huperzia serrata. It has a purity of 99%, making it one of the highest-quality Huperzine-A supplements available in the market. Huperzine-A is known for its cognitive-enhancing properties and has been extensively studied for its potential benefits in improving memory, focus, and overall brain health.


Chemical NamePurityAppearanceMolecular FormulaMolecular Weight
Huperzine-A 99%≥ 99%White powderC15H18N2O242.321 g/mol

Huperzine-A 99% powder.jpg

Product Functionality

Huperzine close to 100% powder, got from a sort of clubmoss plant called Huperzia serrata, is a characteristic compound known for its mental improving properties. Its instrument of activity includes the restraint of acetylcholinesterase, a chemical liable for separating the synapse acetylcholine. We should dive further into the extended comprehension of how Huperzine-A functions and its more extensive ramifications:

1. Cognitive Upgrade:

  • Huperzine-An's essential job is to support mental capability. By hindering acetylcholinesterase, it successfully delays the presence of acetylcholine in the mind.

  • Acetylcholine is a key synapse engaged with memory, learning, and general mental cycles. The safeguarding of acetylcholine levels prompts further developed memory maintenance, review, and learning abilities.

2. Increased Concentration and Fixation:

  • The height of acetylcholine levels is connected to improved concentration and fixation. Huperzine-A can assist people with keeping up with consideration, making it a valuable enhancement for undertakings that to require mental lucidity and supported focus, like research or work.

3. Neuroprotective Impacts:

  • Notwithstanding acetylcholinesterase hindrance, Huperzine-A displays neuroprotective properties. It can assist with protecting synapses from oxidative pressure and harm, possibly easing back the movement old enough to related mental degradation.

  • These neuroprotective advantages make Huperzine a subject of interest in research connected with neurodegenerative circumstances like Alzheimer's sickness.

4. Synaptic Versatility:

  • Huperzine-A may likewise assume a part in synaptic pliancy, which is fundamental for learning and memory. By impacting the strength and adaptability of brain associations, it can improve the mind's capacity to adjust and hold new data.

5. Potential for Alzheimer's Sickness:

  • The restraint of acetylcholinesterase is a deeply grounded approach in the treatment of Alzheimer's sickness. Meds that hinder this protein, known as acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, can assist with mitigating mental side effects in Alzheimer's patients.

  • Huperzine-An's acetylcholinesterase hindrance properties have prompted examinations concerning its true capacity as a characteristic solution for Alzheimer's illness and other neurodegenerative issues.

6. Optimal Measurements and Wellbeing:

  • Huperzine-An enhancements ought to be utilized with care, as unnecessary acetylcholine levels can prompt secondary effects like sickness, retching, and muscle cramps. Legitimate measurements and conferences with a medical care proficient are fundamental to guarantee protected and powerful use.

7. Holistic Mental Wellbeing:

  • Huperzine-An is frequently considered as a component of a comprehensive way to deal with mental wellbeing. It tends to be joined with other nootropics, cancer prevention agents, and mind-helping enhancements to make far-reaching mental upgrade arrangements.

8. Ongoing Exploration:

  • The expected purposes of Huperzine-A keep on being investigated in the logical examination. As more is perceived about its system of activity and the scope of its mental advantages, it might track down applications in an assortment of mental improvement items and drugs.

In outline, Huperzine-A close to 100% powder's component of activity through acetylcholinesterase restraint makes it a promising compound for mental improvement and neuroprotection. Its beneficial outcomes on memory, concentration, and in general mind capability have prompted its utilization in different enhancements and have started interest in its possible restorative applications for neurological circumstances.


Huperzine-A 99% powder is widely used in the following areas:

  • Pharmaceutical industry: Huperzine-A is used in the production of medications for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and age-related cognitive decline.

  • Dietary supplements: Huperzine-A is popularly consumed as a dietary supplement to support brain health and improve cognitive performance in healthy individuals.

  • Research and development: Huperzine-A is used by researchers and scientists to study its effects on various cognitive functions and to develop new therapies for neurological disorders.

OEM Services

We offer OEM services to meet the specific requirements of our clients. Our expert team can assist with customized packaging, labeling, and formulation of Huperzine-A powder. We ensure fast delivery and strict quality control to meet the demands of our customers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the recommended dosage of Huperzine-A powder?

A: The recommended dosage of it varies depending on the individual's age, health condition, and desired outcome. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized dosage suggestions.

Q: Are there any side effects of using Huperzine-A powder?

A: Huperzine-A is generally safe for consumption when taken within the recommended dosage. However, some individuals may experience mild side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or diarrhea. It is important to follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional if any adverse effects occur.

Baoji Hancuikang Bio-Technology Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and supplier of Huperzine-A 99%. Our  factory ensures high-quality products and a large inventory. We offer comprehensive OEM services, fast delivery, and strict packaging to meet your needs. Contact us today for your Huperzine-A 99% powder requirements.



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