Mulberry Leaf Extract powder

Product Name:Mulberry Leaf Extract
Part used: Mulberry leaf extract
Specification: 10%
Description: Pure Fruit Extract mulberry leaf
Appearance: BrownMulberry Leaf Extract
Benefits: Mulberry leaves may help lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and inflammation levels. These attributes may make them useful for fighting heart disease and diabetes.

Product Details of Mulberry Leaf Extract Powder

Mulberry Leaf Extract Powder is a natural supplement derived from the leaves of the Mulberry plant (Morus alba). It is rich in various bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, polyphenols, and alkaloids. The extract is obtained using advanced extraction techniques to ensure the preservation of its beneficial properties.


AppearanceGreenish-brown powder
Moisture Content≤5%
Total Flavonoids≥5%

Mulberry Leaf Extract powder.jpgMulberry Leaf Extract powder2.jpg

Product Function

Mulberry Leaf Concentrate Powder offers an extensive variety of medical advantages. It is known to have cell reinforcement properties, which assist with safeguarding the body against free extremists and oxidative pressure. The concentrate may likewise support directing glucose levels and further developing insulin awareness, making it advantageous for people with diabetes or those in danger of developing the condition. Furthermore, Mulberry Leaf Concentrate Powder has calming properties, upholds cardiovascular well-being, and may add to weight the executives.


Mulberry Leaf Concentrate Powder is a flexible regular fixing that offers a great many likely advantages and applications across a few enterprises. How about we develop its purposes and importance in these various areas:

1. Drug Industry

  • Enhancements and Homegrown Cures: Mulberry Leaf Concentrate Powder is normally utilized in the drug business to form dietary enhancements and homegrown cures. It is known for its potential medical advantages, which might incorporate glucose the executives, weight the board, and cardiovascular help.

  • Diabetes The board: The concentrate's capacity to assist with controlling glucose levels makes it significant in supplements pointed toward overseeing diabetes and related conditions.

2. Food and Drink Industry

  • Normal Food Shading Specialist: Mulberry Leaf Concentrate can be utilized as a characteristic food shading specialist. Its shades, for example, anthocyanins, give alluring red, purple, or dark tints to different food and drink items.

  • Wellbeing Advancing Fixings: The concentrate's potential medical advantages, like its cell reinforcement and mitigating properties, make it a significant expansion to wellbeing cognizant food and refreshment things. It tends to be remembered for practical food sources, teas, and juices.

3. Skincare and Corrective Items

  • Cancer prevention agent Properties: Mulberry Leaf Concentrate is known for its cell reinforcement properties, which can assist with safeguarding the skin from oxidative pressure, UV harm, and untimely maturing. This makes it reasonable for use in skincare and corrective items.

  • Hostile to Maturing Advantages: The concentrate might be integrated into hostile to-maturing serums, creams, and moisturizers to advance skin restoration and keep a young appearance. It can assist with diminishing the presence of almost negligible differences, kinks, and age spots.

4. Innovative work

  • Continuous Exploration: Researchers and analysts keep on concentrating on the potential medical advantages and utilizations of Mulberry Leaf Concentrate. New discoveries might prompt the advancement of creative items and utilizations in different businesses.

  • Quality and Normalization: In both the drug and food enterprises, keeping up with reliable quality and normalization of the concentrate is basic to guarantee item viability and well-being.

5. Administrative Consistence

  • Consistence with administrative rules is fundamental while utilizing Mulberry Leaf Concentrate in drug, food, and restorative items. Adherence to naming, well-being, and quality principles is essential for buyer trust and market access.

6. Comprehensive Wellbeing Items:

  • The diverse properties of Mulberry Leaf Concentrate make it an important part in comprehensive well-being items. These items mean to address a scope of well-being and health needs, advancing generally speaking prosperity.

7. Customer Mindfulness:

  • Instructing purchasers about the advantages of items containing Mulberry Leaf Concentrate is fundamental. Clear and exact marking can assist people in making informed decisions about the items they use and consume.

All in all, Mulberry Leaf Concentrate Powder's flexible nature and potential medical advantages make it an important fixing in the drug, food and refreshment, skincare, and restorative enterprises. As progressing research reveals insight into its properties and utilizations, it might find many more applications later on, further extending its part in these areas.

OEM Services

Baoji Hancuikang Bio-Technology Co., Ltd is a professional Mulberry Leaf Extract Powder manufacturer and supplier. We operate in facility with a large inventory and complete certifications. We offer OEM services to meet your specific requirements. Our fast delivery, secure packaging, and support for testing ensure that you receive the highest quality products. Please feel free to contact us if you are looking for your own Mulberry Leaf Extract.



Q: What is the recommended dosage of mulberry leaf supplement?

A: The recommended dosage of it may vary depending on individual needs and the specific product formulation. It is advisable to follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer or consult with a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Q: Are there any side effects associated with Mulberry Leaf Extract?

A: It is generally well-tolerated when consumed within the recommended dosage. However, some individuals may experience mild gastrointestinal discomfort. If you experience any adverse reactions, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

Q: Can mulberry leaf supplements be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

A: It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using it during pregnancy or breastfeeding to ensure safety and suitability.

Baoji Hancuikang Bio-Technology Co., Ltd is a professional Mulberry Leaf Extract manufacturer and supplier. We operate in a  facility with a large inventory and complete certifications. We offer OEM services to meet your specific requirements. Our fast delivery, secure packaging, and support for testing ensure that you receive the highest quality products. Please feel free to contact us if you are looking for your own Mulberry Leaf Extract Powder.


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