Cordyceps Extract

Product Name: Cordyceps Extract
Latin Name: Cordyceps sinensis mycelium
Used Part: Root
Character: Brown powder
Mesh:100 pass 80 mesh
Active Ingredient: Cordycepin
Specification: Cordycepin 5% 10% 20% 30% 50%
Water Content: Max5% Sample:10-20G
Storage: In a cool & dry place. Keep away from strong light and heat.
Shelf life: years when properly stored.

Product Details of Cordyceps Extract

Our Cordyceps Extract is a high-quality dietary supplement formulated to promote men's health. This product contains a concentrated extract of Cordyceps, a type of medicinal mushroom known for its numerous health benefits. Our extract is derived from premium Cordyceps mushrooms, ensuring optimal potency and efficacy.


Cordycepin ConcentrationAvailable Packaging
5%1kg, 5kg, 10kg, or customized
10%1kg, 5kg, 10kg, or customized
20%1kg, 5kg, 10kg, or customized
1kg, 5kg, 10kg, or customized
50%1kg, 5kg, 10kg, or customized

Cordyceps Extract.jpg

Product Functions

Our Cordycepin Powder offers a range of health benefits for men:

  • Boosts immune system: Cordycepin helps enhance immune function, protecting against common illnesses and infections.

  • Increases energy and stamina: This supplement improves physical performance and endurance, making it ideal for athletes and active individuals.

  • Supports respiratory health: Cordycepin has been shown to improve lung function and reduce respiratory issues such as asthma and bronchitis.

  • Enhances sexual health: It promotes healthy libido, improves erectile function, and increases sperm quality and motility.

  • Supports cardiovascular health: Cordycepin helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.

  • Boosts mental clarity: This supplement enhances cognitive function, memory, and focus.


Cordycepin, derived from Cordyceps extricate, is a flexible compound known for its potential medical advantages. Here are a few extended experiences with its applications:

1. Resistant Help:

Cordycepin has been connected to invulnerable framework adjustment, assisting the body with shielding against different microbes. Its consideration in dietary enhancements and nourishing mixes can add to generally safe well-being.

2. Energy and Endurance:

As a characteristic energy sponsor, Cordycepin might improve endurance and perseverance. This makes it a significant expansion to useful food varieties like energy bars and protein shakes, giving a helpful and delicious way for people to help their energy levels.

3. Adaptogenic Properties:

Cordycepin is perceived as an adaptogen, and that implies it might assist the body with adjusting to pressure and keeping up with balance. This makes it reasonable to consider in dietary enhancements intended to help pressure the board and advance generally speaking prosperity.

4. Respiratory Wellbeing:

Cordycepin has shown likely to support respiratory capability. This could be especially gainful for people hoping to upgrade their lung well-being or address respiratory worries. Its consolidation into dietary enhancements can offer designated help in such a manner.

5. Sports Nourishment:

Competitors and wellness devotees frequently look for normal enhancements to help their preparation and recuperation. Cordycepin, with its capability to help energy and further develop oxygen use, can be a significant part of sports nourishment items like pre-exercise mixes or recuperation shakes.

6. Against Maturing Properties:

Cordycepin has been read up for its expected enemy of maturing impacts, including cancer prevention agent properties that might be useful to battle oxidative pressure. This makes it a beneficial element for items focusing on skin wellbeing or generally speaking enemy of maturing support.

7. Mental Capability:

There is rising research recommending that Cordycepin might make neuroprotective impacts, which could decidedly influence mental capability. Consideration in mind of well-being supplements or nootropic mixes could be investigated for mental help.

8. Heart Wellbeing:

A few investigations recommend that Cordycepin might have cardiovascular advantages, for example, advancing sound blood course and cholesterol levels. This could make it a significant expansion to wholesome enhancements focusing on heart well-being.

9. Custom Plans:

Given the different fixation choices (5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, half), makers can make custom details to meet explicit item prerequisites. This adaptability considers the improvement of a different scope of well-being supplements customized to various customer needs.

10. Quality Confirmation:

Quality control measures and confirmations can be featured to guarantee customers of the virtue and power of Cordycepin in the enhancement. This can incorporate outsider testing, guaranteeing that the item fulfills severe quality guidelines.

In outline, Cordycepin's different scope of potential medical advantages makes it an important element for making various enhancements and practical food sources that take care of various parts of general well-being and prosperity.

OEM Services

We offer complete OEM services for our Cordycepin Cordyceps Extract Powder. We can customize the packaging, labeling, and formulation according to your specific requirements. Our experienced team will work closely with you to create a unique product that meets your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Can this supplement be taken by women?

  • A: Yes, women can also benefit from the use of this Cordyceps extract powder. However, we recommend consulting with a healthcare professional before use.

  • Q: Are there any side effects?

  • A: It is generally safe for consumption. However, individuals with underlying health conditions or those taking medications should consult with a healthcare professional before use.

Baoji Hancuikang Bio-Technology Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer and supplier of Cordycepin Powder. We operate a  factory with a large inventory and comprehensive certificates. We offer fast delivery, secure packaging, and support for testing. If you are in the process of selecting your own Cordycepin Cordyceps Extract, please feel free to contact us.



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